
Fine needles are inserted relatively painlessly to specific points within a network which originates in traditional medicine, one of the oldest medical traditions in the world. A whole-person view is taken of the patient, their symptoms and lifestyle to encompass health promotion and ongoing client self-care. Patients commonly present for acupuncture with a wide variety of health concerns ... Read More

Fine needles are inserted relatively painlessly to specific points within a network which originates in traditional medicine, one of the oldest medical traditions in the world. A whole-person view is taken of the patient, their symptoms and lifestyle to encompass health promotion and ongoing client self-care.

Patients commonly present for acupuncture with a wide variety of health concerns from pain, (migraine, muscle, sports injuries); stress and anxiety; to fertility and pregnancy related issues (such as nausea).

Acupuncturists as a profession are committed to the furthering of understanding and research into the efficacy and best practise, and traditional acupuncture has a large and growing body of mainstream scientific evidence for efficacy in a growing number of health conditions.

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Darren Haines qualified in 2022 from The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa, with a Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic.Ac.) after 3 years’ degree-level training; from a leading acupuncture college that is fully accredited by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board.

During his training, Darren treated his pre-qualification supervised patients here at the clinic under the mentorship and supervision of Shaftesbury’s own Philip Rose-Neil. Darren takes a root and branch approach in the classical Five Element discipline of acupuncture.

As a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), Darren adheres to the BAcC Codes of Safe Practice and Professional Conduct. BAcC members are also registered with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) a government body which regulates the regulatory and registration bodies of health and social care providers and is accountable to parliament. Darren has full public liability insurance and professional indemnity cover.

Last updated 09/10/22

Darren Haines qualified in 2022 from The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa, with a Licentiate... Read More

I qualified from the College of Traditional Acupuncture (Warwickshire) after three years’ training; I have a Licentiate in Acupuncture and a First Class honours degree (BA) in Traditional Acupuncture accredited by Oxford Brookes. My degree is validated by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board (BAAB).

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and therefore bound by their codes of safety and ethics. I carry full professional indemnity, and public liability insurance cover. The clinic premises are licenced by Bedford Borough Council and I am licensed by Bedford Borough Council to carry out acupuncture here. The British Acupuncture Council is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which in turn is accountable to the UK Parliament.

I am the former Chair of the Governing Board of the British Acupuncture Council, and also the Regional Group Co-ordinator of the Northampton Branch of the British Acupuncture Council.

Acupuncture has always been an essential part of my life, as my father Sidney Rose-Neil was one of the leading pioneers of acupuncture in this country and the founder of the British Acupuncture Association.

I am registered with the NHSTA (NHS Trust Association’ Complementary Therapy Register). I am also trained in the use of Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol (advanced pain protocols).

I frequently lecture at national conferences, including keynote speeches at British Acupuncture Annual Conferences, and I have addressed the United Nations on health issues, representing the United Kingdom.

I am also a member of the Scientific Medical Network and the Society of Anglo-Chinese Understanding.

I qualified from the College of Traditional Acupuncture (Warwickshire) after three years’ trainin... Read More

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